Share Your Story

Tell us why TAFE is important to you.

Politicians need to hear from you about your experience and why increasing funding to TAFE will make a positive difference for your TAFE, or to you as a student, teacher, or employer.

Or if you are a former TAFE student or teacher, tell us that story – what difference did TAFE make to your life, the life of your family or the wider community?

For politicians to really listen, they need to hear stories, from people like you, about why and how increased funding for your TAFE would make a meaningful difference.

Just use the form on the right to share your story now. Not sure what to say? Here are some things to think about:

  • Did TAFE help you follow your career dream or help retrain? Where would you be in life if you didn’t go to TAFE?
  • Would more funding help build new high quality facilities and start of the art equipment? What specifically could be improved?
  • What would more TAFE teachers and personnel mean for current TAFE teachers and students?
  • Are there currently courses that are not available that could provide more opportunities for students?
  • Do you live in a rural or regional area and have to travel a long way to college? Would additional TAFE colleges help young people stay local?

There's no wrong thing to say! It's just important that politicians hear about real experiences.

Will you sign?